Save the bees: Inside a bee sanctuary's fight to save colonies – and the world's food supply – from collapse - Pakistani Fun

Save the bees: Inside a bee sanctuary's fight to save colonies – and the world's food supply – from collapse

Save the bees: Inside a bee sanctuary's fight to save colonies – and the world's food supply – from collapseOn a seven-acre plot of land in upstate New York, an expansive lawn juts up behind a brown cottage, gently sloping down into the woods. “It’s like a desert,” Guillaume Gauthereau, the founder and executive director of the New York Bee Sanctuary, said this past August, gesturing to the lush grass as those same bees swirled around. The difference at the sanctuary, however, is that Gauthereau has carefully cultivated a habitat full of vegetation around that grass that gives bees the opportunity to thrive.

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